Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mommy Talk 2: What Changed..

Hello there!

     When I first started my blog, I was a lot younger, therefore inexperienced in the ways of parenting, oh and also single. There have been so many changes since then, that I could probably have written a memoir of the last two years. I think it would make for an interesting read, but it would be too much of an emotional roller-coaster, and I don't know you that well! So here are some of the major updates on where I'm at right now in life...
  1. My first born is almost two years old! (Wow how time flies.) His father and I are no longer together. We remain friends, and he is very involved in our sons life. That's all that matters.
  2. Anyone who personally knows me, knows that I am married now. SURPRISE!! Introducing Mrs. McHoes! Oh and the joke is that my husband's family is descended from Irish Pimps. [[not really, but so funny]]
  3. The husband and I are expecting! (Hurrah more baby craziness!) Our little bundle of joy is due soon, so I will be posting my second birthing experience some time after she arrives. 
  4. After we found out we were expecting I decided to put my college education on hold for awhile. I am still working for Starbucks, but at this time I am on a Leave of Absence.
     Really that's all the important updates since my previous blogs. I probably won't go into a lot of details about everything that has transpired in the last two years, but I will definitely try to stay current on what I am doing. 

Keep an eye for my next blog. HINT: Cloth Diapers!

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